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Sepuluh Ribu Kilometer
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Still in progress.

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  1. Diadaptasikan dari kisah benar. Tapi dah modify untuk fit jiwa-jiwa drama korang. So in the end, surface je yang benar, details sume dah edit.
  2. Jangan caye cite tu. Haha. Kalo korang caye, susah nanti korang penin kepale.
  3. Translation #1: Adaptation from true story but modified to have sentimental values for the readers. In the end, only the surface is true, the details are all edited.
  4. Translation #2: Don't believe in it. Lol. If you do, you'll get headache for being troubled.

Category: Stories | Added by: Scha (15/09/2011) | Author: Scha Iriney W
Views: 1166 | Rating: 0.0/0
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