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Spicy Linguine with Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Sardine


  • 250gm pasta (any type) in this case, my husband used linguine / pasta (pape jenis) suami saye pakai linguine
  • sardines or anchovies in oil / sardin atau ikan bilis dalam minyak
  • 2 dried chilies / cili kering
  • some pitted olives / beberapa biji buah zaitun yang telah dibuang biji
  • some extra virgin olive oil / sedikit minyak zaitun extra virgin
  • salt / garam
  • any type of herbs and spices (we used black pepper, basil, oregano, curry) / pape herba dan rempah (kami pakai lada hitam, basil, oregano, kari)

Cooking methods/Cara masak:

  • Prepare the sauce first / Sediakan sos untuk pasta dahulu
  • Cook a bit the sardines inside 2 tablespoon of olive oil together with chilies/ Tumis sedikit sardin dalam 2 sudu besar minyak zaitun bersama cili kering
  • Add some salt and the herbs inside / Masukkan garam dan rempah
  • Lastly, add pitted olives / Kemudian, masukkan buah-buah zaitun
  • Place the sauce aside to become less hot / Biarkan sos kurang panas
  • Boil the pasta according to the directions on pasta package / Rebus pasta mengikut arahan pada paket pasta
  • When pasta is ready, remove water, and mix it into the sauce / Bila dah masak, toskan air dari pasta tu, campurkan dengan sos tadi
  • Mix and blend the two properly / Gaul rata-rata
  • Garnish with some fresh basil leaves / Hiaskan dengan daun basil
  • Portion is for 2 people / Boleh dimakan oleh 2 orang

Category: Recipes | Added by: Scha (10/12/2011) | Author: Dani
Views: 1159 | Tags: Italian, linguine, pasta, olive, basil | Rating: 0.0/0
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