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Creme Caramel
A: 8 large eggs, 1 cup sugarB: 1 liter milk, 2 teaspoonful flavouring (vanilla/lemon/mint/orange/etc), pinch of salt
C: 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoonful water
Two small cake tins that fit into a baking tray.

1. Half-fill baking tray with water, place it in the middle part of the oven. Preheat oven 180 degrees Celcius (350 degrees Fahrenheit).
2. Beat A in a large bowl until well mixed. 
3. In a medium saucepan, heat B on medium flame, stirring, until just below boiling. 
4. Pour B into A slowly, whisking all the time to avoid the eggs curdling. Mix well, then strain the mixture into a large jug. Set aside to cool a bit. This is the custard.
5. In a small/medium saucepan, heat C on medium flame, stirring, until the water dries up and the sugar melts into a nutty brown colour. This is the caramel.
6. Quickly (and carefully because it's simmering hot!) pour the caramel into the cake tins to line the bottom. Swirl the tins a bit to spread the caramel evenly. Do this quickly because the caramel hardens almost instantly. If it hardens in the pan, just pop the pan over the fire again to soften it, but careful not to overheat or it'll be burnt.
7. Pour the custard in the jug over the caramel layer, making sure first the caramel has hardened enough so it won't mix with the custard.
8. Place the cake tins in the water-filled baking tray. Bake for 30 minutes. Leave to cool to room temperature before popping them into the fridge.
9. Leave overnight in the fridge if possible. To serve, loosen the edges with a knife, place a large serving plate on top and quickly invert it to get the lovely caramel layer on top.
10. Indulge!

Category: Recipes | Added by: Scha (06/09/2011) | Author: Teera Alwi W
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